Drinking a cup of warm tea promises health benefits, did you know that drinking too much of it can harbor dangerous side effects?
If you are trying to be healthy, a cup of tea maybe your staple every morning instead of coffee.
The antioxidants it contains are not beyond the knowledge of everyone which makes it a better choice in the morning.
According to Cupitol, drinking coffee or tea in the morning can hype up your senses and boost your energy through the caffeine they contain and stimulate your brain.
Drinking Too much Tea

Although it promises endless benefits, Eat This Not That reports that teas have shown or related to lengthening the life span, boosting the metabolism, and promoting weight loss, which makes it a better choice for people who wish to lose their love handles and double chin.
However, Healthline points out that the ideal cups of tea every day should be 2-4 cups in maximum, and drinking more than that can pose something undesirable as its effect.
Here are some of the dangerous side effects drinking too much tea can give you and might limit your intake to the ideal amount.
Reduce iron Absorption
Iron, a mineral needed by the body for growth and development according to the National Institutes of Health, may be affected by drinking so much tea.
Eat This Not That notes that the tannins present in the tea (which makes the taste of it bitter) may impair the body's ability to absorb iron when consumes too much. They add that this was demonstrated by a study published in Food Research International. The reminds to eat iron-rich foods so avoid iron deficiency.
Surprisingly even though teas are in the form of liquid, Nutritionist from Fortis Hospital, Dr. Simran Saini notes in an interview with NDTV Food that excess consumption of tea means an excess consumption of caffeine which can reduce the absorption abilities of the tubules resulting in dehydration.
Healthline adds that caffeine can cause the diuretic effect that can cause an individual to urinate more frequently and replenishing the fluids after that is needed to avoid hydration.
Liver Damage
Eat This Not That mentions a study by Food Research International that demonstrates higher levels of fluoride in higher-priced, higher-quality tea bags being sold in the market. The site notes that if an individual consumes more than 4 cups of tea a day, the ideal daily intake of fluoride can also be compromised, and can damage teeth, bones, and joints.
However, the National Kidney Foundation notes that there are no specific recommendations about fluoride intake and kidney disease because of limited available research.
Poor Sleep
Healthline mentions that since teas have caffeine, excessive intake of the beverage can disrupt the sleep cycle of an individual. They add that lack of sleep is linked to a variety of mental issues like fatigue, impaired memory, and reduced attention span.
Heavy Metal Contents
Eat This Not That adds that white, green, and black tea with citric acid may contain higher levels of cadmium, aluminum, and lead, as mentioned by a study.
High levels of these metals, can be dangerous as it may cause heavy metal poisoning as per Rare Diseases.
Although teas promise health benefits, remember that everything that is not in moderation can cause dangerous side effects or manifestations. Take it easy, use the tea for relaxation instead of binge drinking it.