These four foods are out to prove that you can lose belly fats or flabs without depriving yourself. In fact, these foods are what you should eat to hasten quick weight loss, and none of these are laxatives. Try these four belly busters.
Sprouted Bread
Losing belly fat does not mean shunning bread, like lovers who have scorned you. Instead, you just have to be more choosy about the kind of bread you eat. Sprouted bread is the kind you should be eating more if you want the stubborn belly fat to go away without depriving yourself of carbs.
Carbs are necessary when burning fats, so not eating any is foiling your own weight loss. Meanwhile, sprouted bread, or bread toast baked with sprouted grains, can help greatly.
Sprouted whole grains tend to have a different flavor profile, but there are many health benefits associated with them, said a health expert, Jessica Crandall.
"Depending on the grain, they can contain vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber, folate, and some additional amino acids," she explained.
Crandall is both a certified diabetes educator and national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Guacamole or Anything Made with Avocado
If you love mayos and dips, switch them up with guacamole instead. This is because avocado-based foods are great for burning belly fats. As a bonus, they taste really good too!
Studies showed that eating avocados in itself can reduce one's appetite for other junk foods, which are known to be one of the main reasons why bellies become big in the first place.
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Wild Salmon
People who want to show off their abs may want to add omega-3-rich wild salmon to their diet. Based on the findings in the journal PLoS One, people who incorporated omega-3 fats into their diets shed more weight than those who did not.
More importantly, they also had an easier time keeping the excess belly fats off than those who didn't. Unlike their farmed cousins, wild salmon has more anti-inflammatory omega-3s and less omega-6s. This makes them the better variant.
Cottage Cheese
This is a good one - mainly because who does not like a little cheese in their diet, right? Cheese has such a bad reputation because many assume all types can lead to weight gain and big belly. Well, cottage cheese is a whole new story.
Not only is cottage cheese low in calories, but it was also found to be a reliable source of protein or casein in particular. Casein digests slower than whey, so it can effectively keep anyone who digests it feeling full longer. This means less cravings and hunger pangs, which are great for belly fat loss.
There are actually many more foods that can bust belly fat that are not here. The point is, not eating is certainly not the key to losing that flabby stomach. You just have to choose right what to eat.