Eric Frein Captured, Ending 48 Day Manhunt for Pennsylvania Cop Killer

Eric Frein captured- Finally, residents of northeast Pennsylvania can rest after what seemed like weeks of having heavily armed officers on patrol, constant questioning and helicopter sweeps. Eric Frein, the charged cop killer was arrested and brought to book on charges that include first degree murder.

Residents of North Pennsylvania could not be any happier about the Eric Frein captured breaking story. After a manhunt for the cop killer which lasted 48 days, Eric Frein was captured on Thursday night and slapped with the handcuffs that his deceased slain officer used. He was arraigned in court the next day.

Eric Frein is charged with the murder of cpl. Bryon Dickson and the consequent wounding of Trooper Alex Douglas. He committed these acts before disappearing into the Pennsylvania woods where he has remained hidden all along.

Authorities had worried that the delayed Eric Frein capture would cause more tension in the state and continue to burn more of the tax payer's funds, especially after the total figure for the cop killer's arrest stands at $10 million.

Authorities reported that Frein was captured without much resistance on his part. He was arrested in the Pennsylvania woods by marshalls on a routine sweep of the woods. He was ordered to kneel down and have his hands behind his neck before identifying himself. He was later arrested and brought to book. He appeared generally healthier than the officers had expected. They opine that the man was able to feed himself from food and meals he got in cabins hidden up in the woods.

Eric Frein was brought before the Pennsylvania courts on Monday to answer to charges of first degree murder and the criminal homicide of a law enforcement officer. His voice appeared strong as he answered "I do" when asked whether he understood the gravity of the charges before him. Frein is under police custody, pending his court conviction. Residents of north Pennsylvania can now breathe a sigh of relief after the Eric Frein captured story broke.

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