Nov 22, 2015 02:11 PM EST
Nutrition Facts Of The Forbidden Rice.

Forbidden rice or the Black rice is not very well known. It has a lot of nutrients which could keep a person healthy. Based on the story of the American Chemical Society the forbidden rice is a very cost effective source of food which is very nutritious and it was thought to have feed almost 33% of the world's community.  The forbidden rice or the Black rice has a sticky and nutty taste which is mostly grown in Asia specifically in Philippines or Indonesia.

Black rice are mostly used in decorating food since it has a different color than the usual rice that people consume. In Asia, people usually add it to sushi, noodle and pudding to have it tastier.  Forbidden Rice or Black rice has different kinds of nutrients. It is a healthier alternative to white rice since black rice has a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. It also has fiber, protein and iron.

The antioxidants in the black rice have the same amount of antioxidants than the blueberries which most of the people know that has a very high amount of antioxidants. But the difference between black rice and blueberries is that the black rice has more has lesser sugar and higher amount of vitamin E and fiber. It can also help keep the heart healthy since it can help lower the unhealthy cholesterol.

Black rice has a lot of health benefits because of its nutritional level. It can help to lessen the triglycerides. Triglycerides are a kind of terrible fat found in the blood, and enhancing HDL levels, otherwise called great cholesterol. It is also a great help on a person's cardiovascular parameters and it has a mitigating properties or anti-inflammatory properties which reduces the inflammatory mixtures particularly the responsive oxygen particles.