With the start of a new comes the newest trend to hit the internet, much like the name suggests. Tsunami Cakes, also known as Pull me up Cakes, are causing a tidal wave of sensations.
While the food trends we have seen in the past year were all enjoyable, the new year has brought yet another trend that is mesmerizing to watch. The Tsunami Cakes have been lingering around the internet for nearly a year, but now it is making waves over various social media platforms.
According to Indulge Express, this trend was first seen in Portugal that went by two hashtags, namely, #BoloTsunamiCake or #PullMeUpCake. As Food NDTV describes it, Tsunami Cakes start off the same as any other regular cake. It is also made of layers of cake sandwiching a delicious buttercream frosting.
The difference is with the presentation. The typical cake would be covered with icing all over, while Tsunami Cakes requires icing that has a slightly liquid consistency for it to flow freely.
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Tsunami Cakes' Surprise Twist
The reason why Tsunami Cakes went viral is mostly due to how mesmerizing it is to watch as the icing flows over the cake. One of the tricks to achieve the perfect flowy icing is to use cornstarch and milk to result in almost liquid consistency. As for the presentation, acetate is wrapped around the cake to hold the icing in place.
Note that the acetate wrap needs to be taller than the cake's height to have enough room to pull it up. In doing so, it will reveal a cascading icing that will end up covering the whole cake.

Tips for the Perfect Tsunami Cake
In any dish, the two most essential things are flavor and presentation. It is no surprise that Tsunami Cakes became an instant hit since it aces both categories. However, to create the perfect Tsunami Cake, you need to keep in mind some of these tips.
1. Cake base with the right consistency.
Just like any cake, a Tsunami Cake also needs to have a firm cake base. Create a cake base that can withstand the coverage and the assembly.
2. Filling vs. No Filling.
As for the filling, this can be an optional part. However, keep in mind that the cake needs to have the height to make the reveal more dramatic. In the absence of filling, you would need to create a taller cake base.
3. Aim for full coverage.
To achieve full coverage for the reveal, the consistency of the icing is critical. Using cornstarch dissolved in milk is the best trick you need to keep in mind.
4. You can never go wrong with tons of confectionery.
To add more drama to the reveal, adding more confectionery will do wonders. This can include granulated chocolate, broken paçoca, grated coconut, and other party confections.
5. Proper use of acetate wrap.
You can use any acetate to wrap the cake with and hold the icing in place. However, avoiding wrapping it too tightly or leaving it loose. The height of the acetate cover is also essential. This needs to be higher than the cake.
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