Tag: Juice
Martinelli's Apple Juice is Under Recall.

'Apple Juice Recall Underway Due To High Levels Of Arsenic

If you buy apple juice on the regular, it's time for a pantry check. There is a voluntary recall underway of Martinelli's apple juice, which was shipped to stores about a year ago. Some batches of apple juice have been linked to elevated levels of inorganic arsenic. Exposure to high levels of inorganic arsenic can pose significant health risks, including cancer, birth defects, and heart issues, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • 'Introducing Joffee, the Coffee and Juice Hybrid

    It appears the weird yet innovative world of food hybrids is still very much active with the welcoming of its newest member - the Joffee.
  • 'How Green Is Your 'Green' Juice?

    Starting your day with a big glass of green juice is a hot health trend, as these emerald blends can give you a big boost of important nutrients.
  • 'Just How Healthy Is Your Green Smoothie?

    A green smoothie/juice can create a bit of a buffer to nutritional and life stresses - but only if you do it right.
  • 'Detoxify without the Need for Juice

    Usually when you hear about detox most people use their juicer for juicing fruits. Famous superstar Beyoncé Knowles swears by Cayenne maple/pepper juice drink for diet while Kate Moss who really loves juicing and believes it gives her brighter eyesight! Detox is actually one very easy way for losing weight.
  • 'Person on Diet - Healthiest Green Juices as Recommended by a Nutritionist

    Alexandra Caspero, R.D., owner of Delicious Knowledge, a nutritionist and diet coach, have the best options for a healthy green juice that can be purchased from the stores.
  • '"Ocean Spray" Newest Business Ventures

    Earlier this month, Ocean Spray signed a licensing agreement with Lyon Magnus, a California based company that creates and markets, fruit, beverage, and chocolate products to food-service customers. The agreement states, Ocean Spray will administer Lyon Magnus with cranberry juice concentrate and use of the Ocean Spray brand. Lyon Magnus will assemble Ocean Spray branded juices, including cranberry, orange, apple, and lemonade, in the company's beverage machines and market them.
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